πŸ›°οΈBrightyPad IDO Platform

IDO launchpads are designed for decentralized fundraising. Conventional launchpads tend to rely on the first come and first users. Unlike traditional launchpads, our launchpad is fair and equitable for all and yet it will still reward token holders just as a centralized exchange would. The BrightyPad launchpad doesn’t have high financial barriers to be able to enter the market.

BrightyPad also does not have whitelist spots based on first form fillers. The Brighty launchpad fundraising will follow the trilogy system marked in three rounds. The system ensures guaranteed fund allocation to the participants based on the quantity of BrightyPad tokens they own. Look at our trilogy system for fund allocation:

Round 1: This round will include

  • All token holders in the pool fulfilling the base requirements of staked BYP tokens.

  • BYP Token Holders can contribute based on the staked quantity of BYP tokens or the size of their pools they are providing liquidity for.

  • KYC Each fundraising would last over six hours and will be allocated through an initial distribution offering (IDO) for new projects.

Round 2: Optional. This round will include

  • All token holders who currently have BYP tokens in their wallet irrespective of staking

  • KYC


All users will be allotted six hours to buy tokens. It is the same time frame when they can contribute to the given IDO projects. All users will get confirmed allocation based on their eligibility criteria they purchased.

Round 3: The third round will only take place if IDO projects have any unsold/spare tokens.

Round 4: The round is open for everyone and no criteria of staked BYP token applies here. The only criteria the users need to meet is whitelisting criteria.

Note: IDO projects will determine international regulations, KYC and other sales requirements.

Last updated