🔲BrightyPad Launchpad Auction Contract
BrightyPad is using a self-running automated contract for the sale of BrightyPad tokens and the contract is deployed on the BSC blockchain. The auction contract follows the reverse Dutch-Auction methodology having round time as defined by the user. The auction is settled once the round is ended either on the completion of the time cycle defined or the whole pool is sold out and is then restarted again after the automatic in-built final price discovery, pool discount settlement and then the distribution of the tokens accordingly to the investors.
BrightyPad auction contract provides many useful features and options to the users who will be using the contract for decentralized fundraising of their project.
Users can easily define and set multiple factors and enter the values for their auction rounds at the time of the initial deployment of their auction contract. These rules of conduct include but are not bound to, are opening price, maximum pool supply, settlement algorithm, combined discount percentage, price change interval, the change percentage and much more. Adding more value to that, BrightyPad Launchpad also enables the users to change and redefine their auction round configuration and values at any later stage in the future even after the initial deployment of the contract.
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